Actionable Insights from Data
Our work encompasses a class of technologies that turn massive amounts of data into actionable information for decision-makers in government and commercial applications. CUBRC’s data extraction, alignment, analysis and systems optimization technologies provide powerful tools for use by government, business and industry to effectively utilize the data they have available to them. This data can be used to optimize complex tasks, discover unseen relationships, make better-informed decisions and more easily understand operating environments.

CUBRC transforms data into actionable insights for decision-makers in government and industry, optimizing tasks and enabling informed decisions.
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Extracting Actionable Information from BIG Data
CUBRC’s Information Consumption Exploitation & Dissemination (ICED) is a tool suite that provides 1.) a robust framework and methodology for the quick integration and harmonization of multiple, disparate data sources, and 2.) a customizable fusion and analytics foundation for situational assessment. ICED harmonizes multiple, disparate data sources to a common core ontology using its alignment and information extraction tool set. The ingested data is stored as RDF triples, a graph-based data model. It uses file based triple stores that utilizes a cloud based implement named Rya that provides arbitrarily large graph storage. ICED’s analyst-customizable fusion engine is used to associate like entities and events within and across data sources as part of the ingestion process. ICED’s presentation layer is used to search and find relevant information about entities and events mentioned in data sources. ICED’s alerting and analytics framework leverages the fused data sources to identify new and relevant information germane to military intelligence and law enforcement applications.
Empowering Decision-Makers
CUBRCs Situation Identification and Threat Assessment (SITA) tool is a multi-function, holistic information fusion capability that provides decision-makers with the information needed to effectively and efficiently make timely decisions. This tool incorporates a multiple of big data to enable technologies to combine raw measurement data, subject matter expertise and contextual information into operational, decision-quality information.
SITA’s data-driven, predictive capabilities provide analysts with the ability to understand not only what is happening in the present, but also what is likely to happen in the future and what the impact will be. An integrated suite of customizable analytics allows users to probe questions like “What if this happened?” or “How impactful will this be?” to help guide future decisions.